Here are 6 ways I see us transforming as a culture, based on the possibilities now afforded to us by connections and technology:
1. Challenging the Status Quo
Before we could reach out to anyone on the planet, did we ever see anything as amazing as the projects and successes associated with challenged paradigms in the world? With collective marketplaces that match previously disconnected buyers and sellers, fans of every color, ‘it takes a village‘ projects like Open Source, and collective effort never before seen in the world. We are challenging the status quo, building things, creating things, connecting with each other, self-organizing around important issues, and yes, changing the world little bit by little bit.
2. Changed by Exposure to Diversity
We pay attention to the small details of people’s lives, delight over their family photos, and share at the level of family with a whole bunch of people. We’re supported when we need to be. We talk about issues and conundrums and joys. People are connecting and being exposed to both comfortable and diverse perspectives.
That will serve us well.
3. Support is Now Visible
We support people and things we like, on sites like Digg and Reddit
4. Learn More from Each Other
We learn from each other. You can find everything from make-up tips to channeled extraterrestrial messages on YouTube. And if you have ever doubted that kids are learning things these days, check out this very interesting exchange between a student and his English teacher.
5. Creativity and Inspiration is Unleashed
We share our creative ideas and inspirations. Pinterest has redefined the digital portfolio/catalog.
6. Truth is Exposed
We still haunt Twitter waiting for a cause or idea to support. Retweets are our weapon in an effort to expose information and transform thinking. It’s still an incredibly powerful tool, as its signal can not be easily stopped (following censorship laws or not). ‘Can’t stop the signal!’
How Do I Choose Between the Two Men Who Proposed to Me?. to read moor click
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